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These days I'm so happy we have Roman. With United, sooner or later someone will have to pay the bill, although that might come out to be another rich owner. But until then, they are in a bit of a pickle.

Someone will pay, yes, but 1.1 bllion? That's harsh man. Unless its another conglomerate of Arabs, very few can stump that kinda cash out.

We (Chelsea) can do our bit to help Utd. Just stop them winning trophies. We've already done that last season, so more of the same next time out :)

These are people who tell us not to worry about Manchester United debt because they are great businessmen. In their core business in the US they got it absolutely wrong

Andy Green

City Analyst and Man U supporter

and long may it continue!

Dave Whelan, Chairman of Wigan Athletic, told Panorama: "I don't think anybody can be satisfied with how Manchester United are being run... they have got somewhere in the order of three-quarters of a billion pounds worth of debt.

satisfied? i'm delighted!

Regardless of which club it is - his should not be allowed to happen to football clubs.

Debt-free clubs being allowed to run into the red once taken over, based on assets which to be fair, are at best, a stadium (or the gound it sits on) and players, and yeah the 'Global brand'

In a few years football could be in dire straights, with clubs going to the wall, mergers to save lesser clubs etc. It's happended in the US already with their American football, which quite frankly doesn't have the history or tradition which English football is based on.

I pray we don't go the same way, but fear the writing is already oin the wall.

I pray we don't go the same way, but fear the writing is already oin the wall.

Who is this "we" you speak of Bluenut? Chelsea or football in general?

Who is this "we" you speak of Bluenut? Chelsea or football in general?

English/British football in general, but you cannot excuse Chelsea from this, we were very close to 'doing a Leeds' a few years back, despite the survival job Bates managed to do for years.

Leeds, Portsmouth, Palace the list is endless.

Google/wikipedia search 'football clubs in administration' and you'll see how many there are:

here's a few - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/...nistration.html

It's crying shame these football clubs, supported by local people, who attend with families and friends are being taken over by fly-by-nights looking for a quick buck, and have their loyalty turned into a spiv's profit margin, while running the club into debt, rivals or not.

Thanks for clearing that up Bluenut.

I guess I need to ask the trillion-dollar question: How safe are Chelsea?

The club have re-iterated that the days of lavish spending are over, but is it too little too late? We were supposed to break even by 2010, and are still no where near doing so. True, we are healthier than most clubs, but aren't we still hinging our existence on Roman?

Regardless of which club it is - his should not be allowed to happen to football clubs.

Debt-free clubs being allowed to run into the red once taken over, based on assets which to be fair, are at best, a stadium (or the gound it sits on) and players, and yeah the 'Global brand'

In a few years football could be in dire straights, with clubs going to the wall, mergers to save lesser clubs etc. It's happended in the US already with their American football, which quite frankly doesn't have the history or tradition which English football is based on.

I pray we don't go the same way, but fear the writing is already oin the wall.

taking all prejudice aside, i don't think we're likely to be in the same kind of danger for the foreseeable future. apart from anything else, look at the way roman reacts when he watches us play. it's clear he's developed an emotional attachment to the club. the glazers are just businessmen, as are hicks and gillett down the road at anfield.

and after all the sanctimonious, bitter, vitriolical, self righteous garbage thrown our way by supporters of both man u and liverpool, with the best will in the world i find it extremely difficult to do anything but laugh our loud at the current state of both clubs.

Putting it bluntly, f**k em. They were more than happy lauding over all and sundry when they became a plc and had enough money to buy whoever they wanted, and made sure we all knew about it. The fact is the minute they became a PLC they were wide open to something like this.

It's crying shame these football clubs, supported by local people, who attend with families and friends are being taken over by fly-by-nights looking for a quick buck, and have their loyalty turned into a spiv's profit margin, while running the club into debt, rivals or not.

Agree with you there bluenut, the fact that this kind of leveredged takeover stuff is allowed to go on is beyond a joke, imo. I know it happens all the time in finance, but something about it just seems wrong. And I dont want to wade into matters where I have a shallow understanding like economics, but I would venture to say the cavalier kind of borrow-to-get-by policies these clubs embark on, with no foresight, is a similar vein of thinking to what has landed the US economy, and indeed the rest of the world, in the tank these past few years.

In Man Utds case, their owners have alot of hubiris. They seem to be indebted on all sides. Their NFL team has gone to pot since 2003, now their malls are apparrently in trouble. And yet, when someone comes to them offering a buyout for Man Utd and handing them a 250m pound profit, which is totally undeserved since they have done nothing in five years to improve the club outside of the usual investment year-on-year, they refuse them and slap a NOT FOR SALE sign on the club because they want more. Absolutely unreal. Wish some of these owners would just stop being so god damn greedy and have a bit of foresight and regard for the fans supporting these clubs. Like that greedy Italian guy who owned Livingston and nearly took the club to dissolution rather than resign and allow new owners to come in.

That said, if something bad happens to man utd, I wont lose any sleep at night. For the exact reasons dkw points out. They wanted to be a money making machine, went from a football club to a business empire, and now that some greedy arseholes have their teeth sunk in, its all gone wrong

Edited by TheWestwayWonder

I wonder if salary caps could work in football? I know that for NHL teams (Ice Hockey) it made a world of difference when it was in stored in 2004, almost all teams became profit base, except the likes of Phoenix and Atlanta (but that's because the fan base is horrible). The teams have a certain budget to maintain, and salary systems are in-stored for new players (U-21 for example). Make a system like this work FIFA wide and you build up a certain equity between teams, you have a financially viable structure, the youth rule makes you dig deeper to promote from your own youth system, and you don't have the problems they have in Spain at the moment. It already works at some extent in the MLS, even though the league still needs to develop, financially speaking, they're in much better shape then some top flight European teams.

I wonder if salary caps could work in football? I know that for NHL teams (Ice Hockey) it made a world of difference when it was in stored in 2004, almost all teams became profit base, except the likes of Phoenix and Atlanta (but that's because the fan base is horrible). The teams have a certain budget to maintain, and salary systems are in-stored for new players (U-21 for example). Make a system like this work FIFA wide and you build up a certain equity between teams, you have a financially viable structure, the youth rule makes you dig deeper to promote from your own youth system, and you don't have the problems they have in Spain at the moment. It already works at some extent in the MLS, even though the league still needs to develop, financially speaking, they're in much better shape then some top flight European teams.

I really can’t see this ever happening across so many countries in Europe ? Might work in the two country remit of North America / Canada but not this side of the Atlantic.

Given how corrupt the game is it would be so open to abuse and loop holes I doubt it would ever be on any clubs agenda . Also G17 would make sure there respective clubs were non compliant on any UEFA rulings.

Caps are one thing, but taxation is another, just look at Spain. (Where nearly every club is bankrupt)

They say there protesting but it doesnt seem a protest paying 40-50 quid for a ticket. Yeah they wear green and gold scarves but are they retarded most of them wear a red shirt bought from the store. So thats about 90 quid for about half the fans that go, then you get glory hunters buying a shirt saying oh we hate glazers; when youve been to a match then have an opinion. They're still putting money in Glazers pocket and they think they're protesting. Sums up Mancs : STUPID

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