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Davey Baby: "Stevie G - I adore him, I want to bear his children"

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Personally I like him.


I know there will be a lot of gloating when Liverpool come to the Bridge but I would like to see us be more gracious than that.


We've given him untold stick for so many years.


That slip will live with him forever.


Be nice if we gave him a good reception to send him on his way to the States.


That's just my opinion but I know it will never happen.


Maybe I'm going soft in my old age.


Cannot stand him, at all, any way, shape or form. Cannot wait to see the back of him. He is everything JT is not and vice versa. Can't believe I just sullied JT by placing him in the same sentence as bench boy.


Must admit I've never understood the hate he gets. Same for Rooney. Not having time for them due to being rivals is one thing. But I don't understand the personal vendetta some fans have against them.


I don't understand him having his own ruddy thread.

(Hand up Richard, Rooney is a close second for my venting spleen, bench boy and turf top.)


If he actually plays in the match against us then I'd have to respect that because the level of abuse he will get....I don't think it will ever be topped.



Must admit I've never understood the hate he gets. 



Bottled a move to us, plays for Liverpool, comes from Liverpool, represents pretty much everything we hate about Liverpool. Take your pick.


I don't particularly hate the man but I do despise Liverpool supporters and because he's so close to their hearts it makes sense to rip the sh*t out of him.


Plus there's the whole Lampard debate.


And he's got a stupid hairline.


If he actually plays in the match against us then I'd have to respect that because the level of abuse he will get....I don't think it will ever be topped.




Bottled a move to us, plays for Liverpool, comes from Liverpool, represents pretty much everything we hate about Liverpool. Take your pick.


I don't particularly hate the man but I do despise Liverpool supporters and because he's so close to their hearts it makes sense to rip the sh*t out of him.


Plus there's the whole Lampard debate.


And he's got a stupid hairline.

Plus he is the media darling.  He never gets stick - for diving, for fouls, for his dodgy criminal acts.  The sun shines out of his arse as far as the media is concerned.


I dislike Liverpool more than any other club before anybody thinks I've totally lost the plot.


Just thought it would be a classy and unexpected move, and personally I think he deserves it.


I've never really had a problem with him.


Bottled a move to us, plays for Liverpool, comes from Liverpool, represents pretty much everything we hate about Liverpool. Take your pick.


I don't particularly hate the man but I do despise Liverpool supporters and because he's so close to their hearts it makes sense to rip the sh*t out of him.


Plus there's the whole Lampard debate.


And he's got a stupid hairline.


You haven't given me a reason to actually hate the man though. I just get the feeling that people go out of their way to hate him whereas I'm just not bothered by him. None of the reasons you have given make me hate him. He stayed there out of loyalty or for money, whichever reason it was, most footballers would have done the same. Hate the fans who say he's better than Lampard, I don't really see the point in hating the man himself.

Chelsea Megastore Away Shirt
Chelsea Megastore Away Shirt

Chelsea Megastore Away Shirt


It'll never happen Davey for better or worse. Personally, I just hope we don't sing endless Gerrard songs the whole game and focus on singing about our own team. 


You haven't given me a reason to actually hate the man though. I just get the feeling that people go out of their way to hate him whereas I'm just not bothered by him. None of the reasons you have given make me hate him. He stayed there out of loyalty or for money, whichever reason it was, most footballers would have done the same. Hate the fans who say he's better than Lampard, I don't really see the point in hating the man himself.


He stayed out of fear if you believe the rumours.


As I said, he represents everything I despise about Liverpool supporters in much the same way JT represents us and gets stick for it. Winding him up winds the scousers up, simple as that.


If you don't hate him then that's fine. I don't think people go out of their way to hate him though - they're at the Bridge, he's at the Bridge, why not have a pop at him? I doubt many people are travelling far with the sole purpose of slagging him off.


You haven't given me a reason to actually hate the man though. I just get the feeling that people go out of their way to hate him whereas I'm just not bothered by him. None of the reasons you have given make me hate him. He stayed there out of loyalty or for money, whichever reason it was, most footballers would have done the same. Hate the fans who say he's better than Lampard, I don't really see the point in hating the man himself.

I don't hate him, rarely hate anyone especially someone I don't actually know; I have what is, probably, an irrational, but severe disliking for him. Just looking at him rankles me. The same with Rooney.


Yep i'd put money on him not starting too, now that their season is over and the title will hopefully be sealed by then, there's no way Gerrard will fancy this game.


Fwiw I reckon that, out of consideration for Gerrard, Rodgers will not play him. Gerrard being part of a guard of honour for another team's league victory, at the end of his LFC career, would be hard for LFC fans and Gerrard and, for all the flak directed at Rodgers, he should make the right call.


Be nice to Gerrard when we have the one in a lifetime chance to troll the absolute f**k out of him for not joining us all those years ago, while we won everything and Liverpool won f**k all?



No, not going to happen.


Troll the absolute f**k out of him and remind him that he wasted his career at that sh*thole.


Plus he is the media darling.  He never gets stick - for diving, for fouls, for his dodgy criminal acts.  The sun shines out of his arse as far as the media is concerned.

Yes, if he and Shrek are 'good' footballers, then so are others, but those don't get the recognition deserved, JT for example.


The guy get's so much undeserved praise and the media and football pundits make him out to be some sort of saint when he is anything but that. He has got away with so much over the years. There has been excuses for his diving, bad tackles, stamping on players etc etc. He was praised for Liverpool's champions league win but if he didn't dive to win them a penalty they wouldn't have won it. If a Chelsea player did that you can guarantee we wouldn't be getting praise.


The guy has always been about himself with his glory passes and long range shot's on goal when a pass was the better option. You would never hear the media or pundits complain about it. I was sick of him playing for England. So many people would say Lampard was holding England back because he was taking up Gerrards position, but Gerrard was the problem, he would never stick to his position and would always be looking for the headlines and then leave England open in midfield.


With the constant ass kissing he get's, i am sure he can take a bit of banter aimed back at him.

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