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Dear Friends,

Here are the stats for the winners of the 5 BPL competitions: the Regular Season, the Long-Term Predictions, the Top Average Score, the Highest Score, and the Winners' Circle. The breakdown is as follows: 100 points for the winner, 50 points for second place and 25 points for third place to go to the FINAL STANDINGS tabulation.

CONGRATS to all the bonus points winners!

	 Winners' Circle
 01   TT			11 
 02   Ossie13	   10
 03   Tim W		  8
 04   Crystalballs   7
 05   Butch		  6
 05   Coombsie	   6
 07   Sergeyms	   5
 08   Loz			4
 09   Waldron		4
 10   Nick White	 3
 11   BlueBeard	  2
 12   Jack		   2
 13   Pauly		  2
 14   Pudge		  2
 15   TeaBarBoy	  2
 16   Dayo		   1
 17   Derek Dove	 1
 18   MadMac		 1
 19   Oluwole		1
 20   Star		   1
 21   Tom P		  1
*Record: 11 wins ? Butch (04/05)

 Rank	 Score	   Predictor(s) 
 1	   290	   TT (Liverpool ? EPL)
				   Coombsie (Watford, EPL)
 2	   285	   SergeyMS (Portsmouth ? EPL)
 3	   275	   Ossie13 (Man Utd ? EPL)
 4	   265	   Butch, Ossie13 (Bremen ? CL)
 5	   260	   BlueBeard (Man City ? EPL)
 6	   258	   Tim W (FC Porto ? CL)
				   TT (Man Utd ? FAC)
 7	   256	   Loz (Liverpool ? CL)
 8	   255	   Tim W (Arsenal ? CC)
 9	   250	   Butch (Valencia ? CL)
10	   248	   Butch (Liverpool ? CL)
*Record: 290 points ? TrubishBob (05/06), Coombsie, TT (06/07)

   TOP Average Score ? 20 game minimum
   Name		 GP	   AVG
1. TT			   64	   158
2. Ossie13		  64	   155
3. TimW			 44	   153
4. SergeyMS		 37	   152
5. Butch			64	   150
6. Jack			 21	   149
7. Coombsie		 49	   148
8. Crystalballs	 64	   146
9. Loz			  62	   144
10.Trubish Bob	  46	   142
11.Nick White	   49	   140
12.Waldron		  38	   139
13.TeaBarBoy		57	   138
14.MadMac		   43	   137
15.Derek Dove	   37	   127

   Name		   Score
1.  TT				 130
2.  Butch			  125
3.  TrubishBob		 115
4.  MHedges			110
5.  MadMac			  95
6.  Mike O			  85
SergeyMS			85
7.  Ossie13			 70
Tim W			   70
8.  Loz				 65
Star				65
9.  Crystalballs		60
10. Pudge			   60
11. Waldron			 50

For regular season bonuses, TT won 100 points, Ossie13 won 50 points and Butch won 25 points.



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