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Somebody reassure that things are gonna be ok, coz that was a shambles !

How unprepared could a club be, the press bossed that conference and rabbits and headlights are words that come to mind.

Grant should never have been put it in that stuation, he shoulda been able to talk on his own just about football. As it was he gave me absolutley no confidence whatsoever.

Car crash TV if you're a Chelsea fan !!!!!

oh my what a complete JOKE.

I didn't even picture the ridiculousness of trying to unveil Avram Grant as our new manager 2 days after JM's sacking. What a ridiculous ridiculous interview- once again they were evasive with the word interim/permanent but it looks like he'll get his own contract after all. You don't put your MATES in charge of the biggest football club there is- Circus.

Agreed nothing in that press conference inspired confidence. Kenyon really annoyed me with all the nonsense about moving up a gear and needing a manager to move up a gear at the same time. C**P

Grant couldnt cope and I wondered how will he cope with the players when he's so awkward and not knowing what to do with the press???? He looked like an amateur.

This is sooooo wrong.


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Yeah, cause we'll support them all, but do they deserve it ?

I mean, i wanted to be reassured at that press conference, loads of positive spin etc, all i thought was, what the hell is goin on !

They couldn't even come up with a good reason for choosing Avram Grant, well not that i heard, can any one enlighten me, coz right now i'm royally pissed by it all !

I wish Bruce Buck and Kenyon could give straight answers rather than acting like politicians, i don't give Grant long to be honest, he is under qualified. Why couldn't we wait to get someone like Scolari or Sparky? I can't see Grant getting any respect from the players and at the moment am loosing all hope of Lamps signing this contract at the end of the season.

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'' world domination by 2011'' Peter Kenyon.

And this is progress, well if they pull that off this day will go down in football history as the most genial footballing descision ever, tho somehow i doubt it.

journos were just laughing at them...loved it near the end where kenyon was saying we're in a better position than three years ago, better players, great success etc and one of them said well that's the point - why have you got rid of him? and Kenyon just looked stumped icon_redface.gif

Well it pretty much summed it all up, Abramovich, Kenyon and the others now have complete control of our club God help us all!! they have been trying to run the whole Circus from big top to bottom for some time now, but one man always stood in their way, but now after several failed attempts to undermine his authority as manager (IE: bringing in players that were not of his choosing, failing to back him in the transfer market during last seasons dreadful injury crisis and letting him squirm with all the speculation over his future at the club) they have at last managed to oust him by some as yet unknown method in order to install a yes man of their own making.

They have pulled a relatively unknown coach out of relative obscurity, and thrust him into the brightest of spotlights like a librarian from Chipping Norton suddenly finding himself making an appearing on the"X Factor" Moulded by their insincere pats on the back, and hollow promises of him getting their full backing as long as he's a good boy and does as he is told, the puppeteers now have their marionette, and can now proceed to pull ALL the strings to their hearts content.

The poor unsuspecting B*stard sat at that joke of a press conference between his manipulators not knowing when to speak or who to speak to unless he was prompted by Messrs Jekyll & Hyde, he deserves our pity not our scorn, that should be directed firmly at the parasites who are running (or should that be ruining?) our beloved club.

Jose had principles, he called a spade a spade, and told it pretty much as it was, this didn't always win us friends but then again honesty is not always welcomed in some circles, he was his own man and wanted to do the footballing things his way, look how it paid dividends in his first season when he was left to his own devices, but then the interfering started and how he did what he did for us after that is anyone's guess?

This whole bloody mess is one of the darkest episodes in our clubs history and that is not being melodramatic, even when we were rubbish we were honest rubbish, when we paupers we were honest paupers but now we are becoming a faceless characterless club without a soul because that has been put up for grabs to the highest bidder by these racketeers who masquerade as "Chelsea FC Directors" who all claim to have the clubs best interests at heart!! total bollox!! if in a few years time the Russian decides he's fed up with football and decides to play in another playground and we find ourselves back in the sh*te that we were in 20 odd years ago, they will all have gone off into the sunset with bulging bank accounts and Chelsea FC will just be a fond memory of a good old money cow that they milked dry.

I have loved my club all my life with all my heart, but the actions of these scumbags are pushing that love to the very limit.

Good luck Avram! God knows you're going to need it!!!!

apparently Grant got the job on merit! icon_eek.gif

of course when some bright journo asked what merit Kenyon and Buck were completely stumped.

just watch Jose's impromptu interview to the british press to see someone handle themselves with class.

omg we have the Israel version of Sammy Lee in charge , this is a f'kin nightmare.

shouldn't we wait untill we have actually played a few games before deciding that?

in any case, there's still hope he's temporary.

Ok hold on. All this depression is getting out of hand. Jose has gone. It was good while it lasted. Kenyon is a slimeball, Greensnot isn't much better (if at all) and Bruce Buck is a Yank - i.e 100% not a football man, and a money man. And Grant is a friend of Romans, hasn't got any kind of recognisable track record in management and looked decidedly out of place today stuck between the slimeball and the money man.

But I'll be truly amazed if he's got the job on a long-term basis, whatever anyone says, no mention has been made of the length of his contract. Actually come to think of it, I don't even remember any mention of him having even signed a contract. This appointment IS a stop-gap measure. The club WILL have a new "proper" manager within a matter of months, possibly weeks. This season we might not win a damn thing, might not even qualify for the Champions League. Which will be piss-poor given the expectations at the start of the season. But it's NOT the end of the world. He might have slimeballs and yes men working for him, but RA isn't a fool - or at least I don't believe he is, and I also suspect that whatever garbage was spouted today by the slimeball and the money man, he STILL wants long-term success for Chelsea Football Club. Neither do I believe that he is naive enough to think that this success can be achieved by sticking his oar in for the sake of it.

Hang on in there.

Ok hold on. All this depression is getting out of hand. Jose has gone. It was good while it lasted. Kenyon is a slimeball, Greensnot isn't much better (if at all) and Bruce Buck is a Yank - i.e 100% not a football man, and a money man. And Grant is a friend of Romans, hasn't got any kind of recognisable track record in management and looked decidedly out of place today stuck between the slimeball and the money man.

But I'll be truly amazed if he's got the job on a long-term basis, whatever anyone says, no mention has been made of the length of his contract. Actually come to think of it, I don't even remember any mention of him having even signed a contract. This appointment IS a stop-gap measure. The club WILL have a new "proper" manager within a matter of months, possibly weeks. This season we might not win a damn thing, might not even qualify for the Champions League. Which will be piss-poor given the expectations at the start of the season. But it's NOT the end of the world. He might have slimeballs and yes men working for him, but RA isn't a fool - or at least I don't believe he is, and I also suspect that whatever garbage was spouted today by the slimeball and the money man, he STILL wants long-term success for Chelsea Football Club. Neither do I believe that he is naive enough to think that this success can be achieved by sticking his oar in for the sake of it.

Hang on in there.

you're talking a lot of sense.

I remember one of the best press conferences in history when Jose was introduced as Chelsea manager, from that moment I KNEW we was going to win the league and turn the Ranieri years into trophy winning years. Today was the opposite, in fact it was a complete joke. Grant is a puppet with the strings already showing signs of wear.

Kenyon and Buck were unconvincing to say the least and that idiot on the board who kept trying to block tricky questions was pathetic.

It's even more clear having seen Jose's class act of an interview that it was the board and Roman who made his job unbearable, so much that he is clearly happy to have got away from it all. Which probably means it was indeed a case of mutual consent.

Grant 'I will play atractive football' probably will, but we will leak goals and lose our unbeaten home record under Jose for sure before May. I will take it a step further, he won't last, but they will stick with him to save face, before the Russian Manager Hiddink comes in to steady a sinking ship and maybe IF Roman sticks around after the aggravation from the fans we might then see a PROPER manager WITH THE RIGHT CREDENTIALS AS OUR ORIGINAL PLAN AT THE START OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE and deliver Jose type mentality into our side.

What a shambles we are in - Good luck in everything you do Jose, a man of honour, a winner, a family man, a damn class act and one of life's characters.

Well it pretty much summed it all up, Abramovich, Kenyon and the others now have complete control of our club God help us all!! they have been trying to run the whole Circus from big top to bottom for some time now, but one man always stood in their way, but now after several failed attempts to undermine his authority as manager (IE: bringing in players that were not of his choosing, failing to back him in the transfer market during last seasons dreadful injury crisis and letting him squirm with all the speculation over his future at the club) they have at last managed to oust him by some as yet unknown method in order to install a yes man of their own making.

They have pulled a relatively unknown coach out of relative obscurity, and thrust him into the brightest of spotlights like a librarian from Chipping Norton suddenly finding himself making an appearing on the"X Factor" Moulded by their insincere pats on the back, and hollow promises of him getting their full backing as long as he's a good boy and does as he is told, the puppeteers now have their marionette, and can now proceed to pull ALL the strings to their hearts content.

The poor unsuspecting B*stard sat at that joke of a press conference between his manipulators not knowing when to speak or who to speak to unless he was prompted by Messrs Jekyll & Hyde, he deserves our pity not our scorn, that should be directed firmly at the parasites who are running (or should that be ruining?) our beloved club.

Jose had principles, he called a spade a spade, and told it pretty much as it was, this didn't always win us friends but then again honesty is not always welcomed in some circles, he was his own man and wanted to do the footballing things his way, look how it paid dividends in his first season when he was left to his own devices, but then the interfering started and how he did what he did for us after that is anyone's guess?

This whole bloody mess is one of the darkest episodes in our clubs history and that is not being melodramatic, even when we were rubbish we were honest rubbish, when we paupers we were honest paupers but now we are becoming a faceless characterless club without a soul because that has been put up for grabs to the highest bidder by these racketeers who masquerade as "Chelsea FC Directors" who all claim to have the clubs best interests at heart!! total bollox!! if in a few years time the Russian decides he's fed up with football and decides to play in another playground and we find ourselves back in the sh*t that we were in 20 odd years ago, they will all have gone off into the sunset with bulging bank accounts and Chelsea FC will just be a fond memory of a good old money cow that they milked dry.

I have loved my club all my life with all my heart, but the actions of these scumbags are pushing that love to the very limit.

Good luck Avram! God knows you're going to need it!!!!

Kin' spot on mate

It was a complete mess. As for Grant, I want to support him I really do, but he looks like an Uncle Fester type of zombie...generally looking clueless. I know it is not a persons fault as to what you look like...but it did not look good.

He looked like Kenyon had made him in thelab overnight.

One thing I took from this. The press are going to 'do a Les Reid' on Avram. They will bury him...so however good he is he will not stand a chance.

Oh and yes...Kenyon devalues Chelsea everytime he is on screen. The guy is slime.


Our new boss meets the press.

reminds me of that old saying "don't judge a man on his work, judge him on his press conferences".

Gullit...for someone who was slagging Jose off only a week ago, you seem very keen to stick up for Grant and the regime...sure you're not kenyon in disguise?

Gullit...for someone who was slagging Jose off only a week ago, you seem very keen to stick up for Grant and the regime...sure you're not kenyon in disguise?

you seem to be letting your emotions get in the way of reason.

show me where I've been slagging jose off in the last week (I only ever criticise where I think it's fair and deserved).

as for grant, again not sure where I've been keenly sticking up for him- I'm just thinking clearly (it's great) and I refuse to subscribe to easy, popular opinion, which particularly in times like these, are based on hysterical reactions.

p.s. if I were kenyon, this situation would have been handled much more smoothly.

sorry I bow down to your superior wisdom, oh guru of the world (at 20-years-old)...I just can't think straight...still I don't want to take my frustration out on you, no matter how annoying you are

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