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Dear Friends,

I went back in my Time Machine to bring you the points tally after the humungous win over Sunderland. CONGRATS this time went to Derek Dove; well done, mate!

		Butch’s Prediction League Regular Season Standings 2009-2010
						   The Shedend Forums
  Name			Gp  St  Sb  FS  Pe  Sc  TG  Pr  Bo	To	Cu   Av   Rt   Ch 
01 TT			  31  10   6  15   8  10   0  15  30   222  5675  183  214   +2
02 Loz			 31  10   5  15  10   5   0  10  15   205  5595  181  212   +2
03 Ossie13		 26   8   4  15  10  10   0  10   0   165  4700  181  207   +1
04 MadMac		  18   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0	 0  3181  177  195   na
05 Chippy		  20  10   6  15   8  10   0  15  30   222  3476  174  194   +4
06 PloKoon13	   09   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0	 0  1631  181  190   na
07 Crystalballs	30   9   4  15   8  10   0  15   0   162  4685  156  186   +1
08 Butch		   31  10   5  15  10   5   0  10  15   205  4708  152  183   +3
09 Geezer		  17   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0	 0  2813  165  182   na
10 Badenblue	   14   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0	 0  2349  168  182   na
11 Rahul		   17   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0	 0  2761  162  179   na
12 Derek Dove	  29  10   5  15  10  10   0  10  50   245  4266  147  176   +4
13 Ruh Buh Juh	 02   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0	 0   348  174  176   na
14 TeaBarBoy	   25   9   5  15   8  10   0   5   0   162  3748  150  175   +2
15 Pauly		   05   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0	 0   844  169  174   na
16 Waldron		 16  10   5  15  10   0   5   5   0   165  2452  153  169   +2
17 Coombsie		12   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0	 0  1742  145  157   na

BPL Winners’ Circle 2009-10
 01   Loz		  7
	  TT		   7
 02   Ossie13	  5
 03   MadMac	   4
 04   Derek Dove   3
	  Waldron	  3
 05   Chippy	   2
 06   Badenblue	1
	  Butch		1
	  Crystalballs 1
	  Geezer	   1
	  Pauly		1
	  Rahul		1
Record = TT (19) – 2008/9

			BPL Top-10 Scores 2009-2010
  01	   310*	  MadMac – Hull (h, epl)
  02	   290	   Ossie13 – Burnley (h, epl)
  03	   275	   Chippy – Tottenham (h, epl)
				  MadMac – Porto (h, cl)
  04	   273	   Ossie13 – Aston Villa (a, epl)
  05	   265	   Badenblue – Burnley (h, epl)
  06	   263	   TT – Bolton (a, epl)
  07	   260	   Badenblue – Liverpool (h, epl)
  08	   253	   Loz – Everton (h, epl)
  09	   250	   Crystalballs – Wolves (h, epl)
				  TT – Aston Villa (a, epl)
  10	   245	   Derek Dove – Sunderland (h, epl)
				  Waldron – Man City (a, epl)
				  Waldron – Portsmouth (h, epl)
*Joint-record with Waldron (2008/9)




Hi Butch,

Can you double check the points tally for this game please, as it looks to me that I should have more points than Derek Dove.Derek.

Cheers, TT


Hi TT,

You are, of course, correct. However, Derek sent me a nice cheque in the mail, and so you see my dilemma. :tHumBsBeeR:

Seriously, my eyes deceived me and I gave Derek 10 points for being 5 off of the actual number of goals scored instead of taking 10 off, so that is the mistake. However, the table I posted above I did from scratch 2 days ago (especially for you), without using Excel, which is why the mistake occurred. The points tallied in the Cumulative Points total immediately at the end of the Sunderland match was, however, done in a spreadsheet and so I am confident that is not incorrect.

What I do need to do is take back a win from Derek and give it to you in the Winners' Circle (as that running total is not kept in the spreadsheet). Sorry for the confusion.




Hi again TT,

If you go to the Preston table, and subtract the Total Points for the Preston match from Cumulative Points Total, you will see that you had 20 points more than what I gave you in the Sunderland table above (5695 v 5675), i.e. you actually got the 50-point bonus for the win (rather than the 30-point bonus for second place).

I'll post the revised Sunderland table below.




Dear Friends,

Here were the latest BPL standings after the Sunderland match. CONGRATS went to Chippy and TT; well done, mates!

            Butch’s Prediction League Regular Season Standings 2009-2010
                               The Shedend Forums
   Name            Gp  St  Sb  FS  Pe  Sc  TG  Pr  Bo    To    Cu   Av   Rt   Ch 
01 TT              31  10   6  15   8  10   0  15  50   242  5695  184  215   +3
02 Loz             31  10   5  15  10   5   0  10  15   185  5575  180  211   +1
03 Ossie13         26   8   4  15  10  10   0  10   0   145  4680  180  206   +0
04 Chippy          20  10   6  15   8  10   0  15  50   242  3496  175  195   +5
05 MadMac          18   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0     0  3181  177  195   na
06 PloKoon13       09   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0     0  1631  181  190   na
07 Crystalballs    30   9   4  15   8  10   0  15   0   162  4685  156  186   +1
08 Butch           31  10   5  15  10   5   0  10  15   185  4688  151  182   +2
09 Geezer          17   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0     0  2813  165  182   na
10 Badenblue       14   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0     0  2349  168  182   na
11 Rahul           17   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0     0  2761  162  179   na
12 Ruh Buh Juh     02   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0     0   348  174  176   na
13 Derek Dove      29  10   5  15  10  10   0  10  30   205  4226  146  175   +3
14 TeaBarBoy       25   9   5  15   8  10   0   5   0   162  3748  150  175   +2
15 Pauly           05   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0     0   844  169  174   na
16 Waldron         16  10   5  15  10   0   5   5   0   165  2452  153  169   +2
17 Coombsie        12   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0     0  1742  145  157   na

BPL Winners’ Circle 2009-10
     01   TT           8
 02   Loz          7
     03   Ossie13      5
     04   MadMac       4
     05   Chippy       3
	  Waldron      3
     06   Derek Dove   2
     07   Badenblue    1
          Butch        1
          Crystalballs 1
          Geezer       1
          Pauly        1
          Rahul        1
Record = TT (19) – 2008/9

                BPL Top-10 Scores 2009-2010
   01       310*      MadMac – Hull (h, epl)
   02       290       Ossie13 – Burnley (h, epl)
   03       275       Chippy – Tottenham (h, epl)
                      MadMac – Porto (h, cl)
   04       273       Ossie13 – Aston Villa (a, epl)
   05       265       Badenblue – Burnley (h, epl)
   06       263       TT – Bolton (a, epl)
   07       260       Badenblue – Liverpool (h, epl)
   08       253       Loz – Everton (h, epl)
   09       250       Crystalballs – Wolves (h, epl)
                      TT – Aston Villa (a, epl)
   10       245       Waldron – Man City (a, epl)
                      Waldron – Portsmouth (h, epl)
*Joint-record with Waldron (2008/9)



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