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Chelsea F.C. The Movie


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Shouldn't it be "Chelsea FC - the Film": ie. "the Americans make movies, the british, films and the french, cinema" . Forget whose line that was, maybe Truffaut maybe not. Then again, maybe it should russian for film whatever that is.

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Well Mak that would of course mean that all Amercian movies & French cinema shot on film stock would be American films and French films and anything not shot on film stock would be what? Couldn't be movies could it? Or cinema? Have to be American/British/French videotapes or DVDs etc. How would one then distinguish between the screen and reproductions?: I'm just going to the flicks to see that latest American DVD which has had a screen release or I'm just going to the video shop to get that useless American film out on DVD that didn't get a screen release. Anyway, I digress, I think what Truffaut (or whoever it was) meant by using those words was associative/descriptive of the American/British/French styles of filmmaking and their respective industries.

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Youlots, I think my preference for not using the word film unless it has been shot on film has probably more to do with me being Finnish. The finnish word for a movie can basically be roughly translated as "a moving picture", so it doesn't have that connection with the word film. Over here the word film(in finnish language) is hardly ever used unless the movie has been shot on film. Usually people just talk about "movies" or "moving pictures". They way I see it, Cinema is the artform, and I wouldn't use the word cinema when I refer to a single movie. I watch movies, just the format changes, whether I watch it on the television, DVD, VHS, etc. but I always refer to them as movies no matter what it was shot on or what format I'm watching it in.

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Thread finnish(ed) icon_wink.gif I agree by the way with the use of cinema as a descriptor for great films/movies. Maybe Truffaut, despite his love of American movies, just couldn't hide his tricolour bias after all.

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just as a bit of fun

if they were to do a chelsea the movie and get actors in to play players past and present

which famous celeb would play the part of players, managers chairman etc

dickie attenborough as ken bates

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