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according to the Stun or the Times (can't remember they are so similar) RA was not at Valencia yesterday.

They are making a big thing out of the fact that it is because he and Jose are having difficulties.

so why wasn't he there and is it important that he wasn't?

Enquiring minds want to know


He can't stand the sight of Mourinho and is on the verge of abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us...

He can't stand the sight of Mourinho and is on the verge of abandoning us

He employs the fella surely he could sack him if he wanted (then again he have a club in termoil on his hands)

If thats the case he can f**k off. If someone's just bougght Liverpool and Manu, now 2 of our biggest rivals, then I'm sure there won't be a shortage of buyers. He has just got rid of his wife, his judgement is clouded I'm sure. But to sack JM for pride is ridiculous, but I'm sure thats what his wife thought.

He's got a new bird on the go, with his money I'd want to lay around on a yacth shagging her all day, so if he wants to turn it in he can, If thats his attitude, but then again I'm sure it's not.

Euro semi final, FA semi final, League 3 points of title and carling cup already in the bag, and some people still aren't happy. I dunno, it's never dull in the life of a Chelsea fan is it?


You don't mean this story? From the Sun:

http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2002 ... 47,00.html

The headline to this story is Mouinho wants Crespo return[/b], and goes on to quote:

"A source close to Red Rom said: “Roman does not think the problems with Mourinho are doing any harm. In fact, he is quite happy that it seems to have bonded the team. The future is up in the air. It could go either way"

And rather than saying that RA was absent, states that

"Abramovich snubbed Chelsea’s memorable 2-1 win against Valencia on Tuesday night causing further speculation that Mourinho will be replaced this summer."

Make that further speculation by the gutter press. Maybe he didn't think we'd win? I don' think he was alone there by any means. Remember after he hadn't turned up at a game for several weeks, the press in general were adamant that this was because he was losing interest in the club and would be gone by the end of the season? So did that little high 5 after the goal against Tottnumb look in anyway disinterested?


There's also this story in The Times:

http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/ ... 637870.ece

Abramovich unlikely to be swayed by fightback

"Most Roman emperors at least have the decency to turn up at the Colosseum before passing judgment on a doomed gladiator, but not Roman Abramovich. The Chelsea owner was conspicuous by his absence on the latest of many Jos? Mourinho judgment nights, suggesting that his mind is made up."

Crap. Cobblers. Complete and utter b*llsh*t. Call it what you like. This suggests nothing of the sort, except that the press would love it if Jose left, as would the unholy triumvirate of the Arse, Mancs and Scousers.

Yet another headline from the Times:

Clough’s departure should serve as warning

http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/ ... 642710.ece

"The writing was on the wall of the house by the side of the Baseball Ground long after the original Special One had departed. “Die Longsden, you c***” screamed the appraisal of the power struggle that resulted in Brian Clough leaving Derby County and reinventing himself as a legend up the M1.

Now history is repeating itself and the writing appears to be on the wall for Chelsea. Jos? Mourinho, the manager, hinted that victory in the Champions League may not prevent him severing his uneasy alliance with Roman Abramovich. Chelsea fans fearing the worst need only examine the fate of Derby to fuel their anxiety."

and so on.

Are you having that? Because I ain't. No bleedin' way Jose. According to this particular pile of drivel, if Jose goes at the end of the season, Chelsea FC are doomed for relegation, followed by an ever increasing spiral of failure and obscurity. In my ever so 'umble, this little article smacks of a second-rate would-be escapee from the gutter press doing his worst to link two entirely different episodes separated by over 30 years and accompanied by totally different sets of circumstances. In a word - crap.


He is a Russian Governer lets not forget and i read he was in Russia on political business which unlike other business interests(including our beloved CFC) cannot be avoided.

The man has responsibilities to the people he represents. The fact he also missed games earliar this year was also highlighted by our press but again lets not forget he was going through a divorve to his long standing wife and the mother of his kids which is never going to be easy especially with his wealth etc.

On the other hand if the club are even considering letting JM leave its an abselute joke. They would have to pay something like ?25m to get rid of him when IMO they should be offering him that to stay. It does make you wonder why the club does'nt just come out and publicly back the manager. I know its the clubs policy not to respond to every transfer whisper or newspaper article because they would be constantly doing so but this issue should be cleared up.



The bottom line for me is that we are all big enough and ugly enough to treat the press stories as utter drivel which take the slightest hunch and turn it into an 'unnamed source within Chelsea' The best thing to do is draw your own conclusions (which will still be hunches), enjoy the rest of the season and wait and see what happens within an hour of the last whistle of the last game of the season!

My personal hunch is that by the time we have woken up after the last game of the season we will know Jose is leaving. It is a hunch and nothing more, don't ask me to explain why I feel that way or point to any hard evidence because there isn't any - it is just what I am feeling.

Will I turn on Roman for it? Will I hell. If it wasn't for Roman we wouldn't have had him in the first place! If your mate lent you his Aston Martin DB5 for three seasons and then after three seasons said 'Sorry I know how much you love that car but I want it back now, however I'm not going to leave you without a motor so I have bought you a Toyota 2000GT to replace it' then I think you would find it within yourself to forgive him! (OK this is not a serious analogy before anyone pulls me up on it!!)

Let me be straight, I do not want Jose to leave and will be gutted if he does however if he does then I will be backing the replacement and backing Roman. None of us know what goes on behind the scenes at Stamford Bridge, none of us know what the relationship between Roman and Jose is really like and none of us really know the causes of any friction between them. Yes it is easy (and correct) to argue that personal differences should have nothing to do with it, as long as Jose is getting the job done (which he is) then it shouldn't matter of the pair of them despise each other however we all know that things very rarely work that way. Unfortunately personal relationships between the club owner and the manager are, more often than not, vital to the long term position of the manager.


Another hunch. These rumours only started about the time we where about 9 points adrift of mu, and with a depleated squad and Roman not being able to put his hand in his pocket, (as his soon to be ex wife had his piggy bank frozen) the management team came up with PR exercise, and dropped little hints to the gullible press, about a possible divorce between RA and JM, which they have brought hook line and sinker, to take the intense pressure of of the team, which we know JM is always doing, and to load on to his back. So as Loz saids sit back and enjoy the rest of the season, (which for me has been a thrilling if not frustrating one just like Chelsea of old) (four draws at home, three defeats away that is just not possible with the new Chelsea) what ever happens at the end of this season begining of a the new one, we have had a ball these last three years, and I can not see it changing just yet awhile, but if the monkey strikes, at leased I have enjoyed the ride, and have some history to tell my children.

Let me be straight, I do not want Jose to leave and will be gutted if he does however if he does then I will be backing the replacement and backing Roman. None of us know what goes on behind the scenes at Stamford Bridge, none of us know what the relationship between Roman and Jose is really like and none of us really know the causes of any friction between them. Yes it is easy (and correct) to argue that personal differences should have nothing to do with it, as long as Jose is getting the job done (which he is) then it shouldn't matter of the pair of them despise each other however we all know that things very rarely work that way. Unfortunately personal relationships between the club owner and the manager are, more often than not, vital to the long term position of the manager.

This paragraph sums it all up perfectly, except that even you, Loz, seem to be in denial with regard your own logic - otherwise you wouldn't be suffering the gut reaction that Jose is on his way. Evidence of another divorce for Roman is extremely thin on the ground and the Media are raking around in the dark virtually all of the time when reporting on the matter. Have a look at 'If you believe what you read in the newspapers' in the Club forum and you will see that even Chelsea TV are comfortable with journalists spouting their nonsense directly at the fans because, in the main, it's laughable.


There are 2 reasons why i feel Joses position is in serious risk

1 : Depsite his genius, Jose Mournho must be a nightmare to work with if you are his senior. Roman is tiring of his status and outbursts.

2 : Joses prescence is currently hampering Romans desire for Chelsea to be the the most popular football club in the world. I reckon step 1 of Romans blueprint was to start winning trophies. He quickly (and quite rightly) identifed we didnt have the man for the job in Claudio and sought after a man who would give us instant success come hell or high water, and boy did he get that man right. Step 2 i reckon was to start playing with style and to command ourselves in a fashion that make us popluar across the globe whilst still winning trophies. It is here that Jose doesnt fit in.

Of course, i am being pie in the sky here. But i firmly belive that TSO will not be Chelsea manager in around 8 weeks time, even, ludicrously if we win the quad. Who knows what the upcoming few weeks hold for us all (including Jose) We are about to step onto the biggest rollercoaster ride of them all. And having been a chelsea fan now for appraching 25 years i call tell you that means its going to be some ride.

Never a dull moment fellas, never a dull moment.


Im not concerned at all wheather or not he was there.

I dont care what he does in his spare time!

Who he's shagging!

How much money he spent on a new boat!

It dont matter to Chelsea supporters it only matters to the Sun's celebrity obsessed scandal seeking hacks who find it almost impossible to report on REAL news.........Written by Idiots for the benifit of Idiots!!

..........Its a straight up storm in a tea cup.

Chelsea Megastore Away Shirt
Chelsea Megastore Away Shirt

Chelsea Megastore Away Shirt

He can't stand the sight of Mourinho and is on the verge of abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us... abandoning us...

Your mad mate! icon_lol.gif


Anyone remember what happened to Real after they sacked Del Bosque just after they'd won the CL, I hope RA doesn't let his emotions cloud his judgment. Yes, he doesn't play the most attractive football but WE NEED JOSEE!!!!!!!, we wont find a better coach end of.


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